Over the past year i've been going through a rough patch. I was diagnosed with Anxiety at the age of 12 and was on medication for 2.5 years. In the summer of grade 9 i turned my life around by taking myself off of anti-depressants and going on natural remedies. I was perfectly fine for a solid 4 years with minimal to no anxiety attacks. In January of last year i began dating a guy who we shall name J. He suffered from anxiety too and didn't know how to control it. I lasted in this relationship for about 4.5 months before his anxiety pushed me over board. I'm now in the biggest battle of my life trying to get my life and priorities under control. I'm back on anti-depressants and i go to a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy class once a week (which will be ending this thursday). I'm also currently doing yoga to relax and release any left over stress in my life.
It's a difficult thing to admit that you're not what everyone sees. I look like i'm the girl who has her shit together....when deep down my insides are twisted in so many knots i'm suprised i can move.
It's not all bad though. I have a great job....i recently decided to switch my education around and attend college in the fall. I have a boyfriend who is totally opposite from me in looks and personality yet we still get along great, and suprisingly i've been happy recently. So as of now...no complaints.
"It's like being trapped in a box and you can hear the laughter and fun outside of you, but there's a 500 lbs weight holding you back from escaping that box"
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