Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A wise man once said...

Monday night i got a call from my grandfather around 8 o'clock asking me what i was doing Wednesday. When i replied with, "nothing really" he suggested that him and i go out for lunch. I was a little nervous at first because i thought i was in deep doo doo for something but when he assured me he just missed me, all was good.

I woke up this morning at around 10 30 to meet my grandfather at his condo for 12. We had a nice little lunch in the village at the Village Restaurant (wonder where they got the name?) and had quite an interesting conversation. He told me that he felt like he didn't know a lot about me which i thought was total bogus because i think he knows more then he gives himself credit for. He was asking me all about my social life, my friends, and what i see myself doing for school.

I think we all don't give our g-rents enough credit when it comes to the amount of knowledge they have. My grandfather is an 84 year old immigrant from Hungary. He still works, still plays vollyball every Wednesday, goes out for lunch with his buddies on Thursday afternoons, and is happily (common law wed) to a woman 13 years younger. I say my Apa (grandfather in hungarian) is pimpin!

He was giving me some words of wisdom today about my friends and my social life and it boggled my mind how on the nose he was. I was astonished with how much good advice he was able to give me. We think because our grandparents are so old they don't know the difference between a guy friend and a boyfriend. Now, don't get me wrong, they may not know what the hell an ipod is or know that 50 cent is actually a rapper not two quarters...but they really do know everything!

He said something that really stood out in my head today: "The difference between being born and dying is how you live your life". Now, although my grandfather speaks impecible english...he stumbles sometimes. I think what he really meant was that everyone is born and everyone dies and everyone goes through the same transitions in life. You're born, you're a student, a fiance, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, then you kick the bucket. However, if you have an interest in something and decide to live your life based on those interests and become your own person, you will have an exceptional life.

I think my grandfather wants to be younger then 84 years old but in hindsite he really is. He doesn't sit around like the rest of his friends (who are still living) and talk about the past or "when i was your age" nonsense. He lives life for today not yesterday or tomorrow. I think that's something we should all do more often.

I also learned something new today. As i've mentioned in my previous posts that i'm named after my grandmother and i'm apparently exactly like her. Well i learned today that he favourite tea was Earl Grey. And i've just recently become obsessed with that tea. Once again...the littlest things bring me closer to a woman who i don't even know...yet i feel so incredibly attached too.

Anxiety Scale: 4.3


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